
Europe’s Knowledge Geography is Shifting Towards Low Taxes and Competitive Energy


Currently, major changes are happening in the knowledge geography in Europe. The study The geography of Europe’s brain business jobs measures the share of the working-age population across Europe employed in highly knowledge-intensive enterprises.  read more »

Elite Arrogance is Fueling the Rise of the Global Right


In a way not seen since the days of Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher and Brian Mulroney, the right is on the march.  read more »

10 Can't-Miss Election Predictions


I have been interested in presidential politics and campaigns all my life. I cannot remember an uglier contest  read more »


The New Revolutionary Class


No power on earth is more fearsome than a highly educated class that faces a constrained, even dismal, future.  read more »

What's Great About Midwestern Cities


Anyone who follow me here knows I write quite a bit about Midwestern cities. They’re what I know best and love most.  read more »

The Midwest Needs International Immigration


Does America even believe anymore in the saying on the Statue of Liberty’s plaque: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free?”  read more »

How to Prepare America for Demographic Decline


America is in the early days of a vast demographic transition. In the coming decades, the U.S. population will grow far more slowly than ever before  read more »

Western Nations Cripple Their Economies With Green Initiatives While China and Others Laugh


North America, with its vast resources, may be in a position to save the economies of the west. But governments on both sides of the border seem more concerned with green virtue signaling than actually finding a workable approach to carbon emissions  read more »

An Inflation Hurricane Is Shorting The Electric Grid


The reports about the damage caused by Hurricane Helene and the amount of water dumped on the region by the storm are gobsmacking.  read more »

Sweden Proves Khaldun-Laffer Right


In Europe there is a strong general trend in which high-tax nations stagnate economically, while economic growth is shifting towards member states with lower taxation levels, talent supply and business friendly regulations.  read more »
