
Let Them Eat Solar Panels (and Efficiency)


In 2013, the World Bank declared it would stop funding coal projects and would only “in rare circumstances” provide financial support for new coal plants.  read more »

California Governor Newsom has Positioned the State to be a National Security Risk for the Entire USA


California is home to 9 International airports, 41 Military airports, 3 of the largest shipping ports in America, as well as more than 30 million registered vehicles  read more »

America Needs to Reestablish its World-leading Manifestation of Nuclear Generated Electricity


American ingenuity advanced nuclear technology to a world-class innovation to benefit all. Interestingly, the methods used in the rest of the world are copies of the American innovations.  read more »


Growing with Energy


Energy is vitally important for economic growth, particularly those forms of energy that can be used for planned power delivery. It is evident for example that Germany is currently suffering from the past decisions to shut down rather than upgrade nuclear energy.  read more »

The Big Reversal


It took the re-election of a battered Republican candidate — and a milestone rejection of the Democratic Party’s climate and energy policies by the American electorate — to stop the years-long assault on rural America, our landscapes, and our wildlife by Big Wind and its many allies.  read more »


Recycling for Sustainable Electricity is the Key for Future Generations


Our planet has numerous resources, but they are NOT unlimited resources. What’s the future of humanity 100 to 500 years from now, after humans have extracted the oil, coal, lithium, and cobalt resources from the 4.5-billion-year-old Earth?  read more »


Europe Faces Green Energy Immiseration. Trump is About to Offer it a Lifeline.


Teddy Roosevelt believed in speaking softly and carrying a big stick. Donald Trump will never speak softly, or even politely, but he will soon pack the power inherent in presiding over the world’s number one producer of oil and gas.  read more »


Here's the Real Hockey Stick


In 2005, Scientific American published an article saying that the hockey stick graph published a few years earlier by Michael Mann, an academic who now works at the University of Pennsylvania  read more »

Osage Tribe Wins Again: Federal Judge Orders “Ejectment” Of 84 Wind Turbines By Next December


Somewhere, Chief James Bigheart must be doing a victory dance.

On Wednesday, the Osage Nation prevailed again in federal court in Tulsa, winning a decisive ruling in the longest-running legal battle over wind energy in American history.  read more »


King Coal Powers On


The International Energy Agency has been consistent — and consistently wrong — about global coal demand.

In 2015, the Paris-based agency declared, "The golden age of coal in China seems to be over." That year, it predicted global coal demand would fall to 5.5 billion tons by 2020.  read more »
