
How Federal Lands Can Be Used to Ease the Housing Crisis


Next to inflation, Americans ranked housing as their top financial concern in a Gallup survey last May.  read more »


Get Your Rust Belt Education, Right Here


During its run, I absolutely loved the HBO series The Wire. It was a fascinating show that provided deep insight into the institutional corrosion that felled post-industrial cities like Baltimore.  read more »

Ohio's Gritty Fight to Reverse Decadence


Last week, at the AI Action Summit in Paris, Vice President J.D. Vance reaffirmed the Trump administration’s commitment to ensuring that advanced AI systems are developed domestically  read more »

Why Call It "The Rust Belt"?


There’s a question I get every so often in social media – “why do you use the term “Rust Belt”?“ Usually it comes from people who live in the region, who dislike the term and wish for some kind of rebranding. I agree. But what’s better?  read more »

Midwest Metro Musings #1


I’ve said for years that the issues that plague Midwestern cities, and the successful strategies they’ve employed, have gone unnoticed as the cities of the east and west coasts have pulled away economically and culturally.  read more »

A Quarter Century of Net Domestic Migration


Between 2000 and 2024, there has been substantial movement between the states — net domestic migration. The source of the data is the Census Bureau population estimates program  read more »

Midwestern Provincialism Is A Thing


Yesterday, I conducted a poll on X to ask people what would have to change in large Midwestern metros for non-Midwesterners to consider moving here. The poll was revealing.  read more »

What's Great About Midwestern Cities


Anyone who follow me here knows I write quite a bit about Midwestern cities. They’re what I know best and love most.  read more »

The Midwest Needs International Immigration


Does America even believe anymore in the saying on the Statue of Liberty’s plaque: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free?”  read more »

Tally of U.S. Wind & Solar Rejections Hits 735


You won’t read much about this in major media outlets, but nearly every week, local communities across the US are rejecting or restricting solar and wind projects.  read more »
