
A Quarter Century of Net Domestic Migration


Between 2000 and 2024, there has been substantial movement between the states — net domestic migration. The source of the data is the Census Bureau population estimates program  read more »

Midwestern Provincialism Is A Thing


Yesterday, I conducted a poll on X to ask people what would have to change in large Midwestern metros for non-Midwesterners to consider moving here. The poll was revealing.  read more »

What's Great About Midwestern Cities


Anyone who follow me here knows I write quite a bit about Midwestern cities. They’re what I know best and love most.  read more »

The Midwest Needs International Immigration


Does America even believe anymore in the saying on the Statue of Liberty’s plaque: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free?”  read more »

Tally of U.S. Wind & Solar Rejections Hits 735


You won’t read much about this in major media outlets, but nearly every week, local communities across the US are rejecting or restricting solar and wind projects.  read more »


The Uglification of Michigan Lake Towns


In 1873, as a result of the Homestead Act, my great-great-great grandfather, of French-Canadian descent, was awarded 160 acres of land in Leelanau County, Michigan for military service in the Civil War.  read more »

City Suburb Relationships — Where the Midwest is Worst


Does anyone really think about the relationship a city has to its surrounding metro area? It means a lot more than you might think.  read more »

The Midwest: Solving the Networking Problem


First I want to thank everyone for reading, sharing and commenting on my recent post on talent, ambition and culture in the Midwest.  read more »

Democrats Green Agenda Could Gift Midwest to Trump


The Midwest will decide who wins the White House in November. Much has been written about Kamala Harris’s not-so-subtle appeal to Michigan’s Muslim voters, and her choice of Tim Walz as running mate  read more »

The Midwest: Talent, Ambition, and Culture


Last weekend there was a debate taking place on a very small corner of the Internet. It was about the Midwest’s culture and its impact on growth and development prospects.  read more »