
Five Reasons to Be Bullish on the United States


Several years ago, when the sex scandals were rocking the Catholic Church, I talked to a local parish priest about the decline in the church’s credibility. He listened patiently. He didn’t argue about the scandal or the church’s other problems. Instead, he said, “Remember, the church is not Rome.”  read more »

Boomers Have Left the Economy in Tatters, Driving Youth to the Right


Like counterparts around the world, Canada’s youth are struggling, victims of a weak economy and a rising cost of living crisis. Whereas boomers rode an unprecedented wave of prosperity and higher living standards, younger Canadians, particularly those under 30, are now more pessimistic about the future than older generations.  read more »


Has Transit Entered the "Death Spiral"?


Transit ridership dropped sharply with the onset of the COVID pandemic in 2020. The slow rebound in the years that followed has prompted discussion, sometimes in hushed tones, as to whether transit had entered a “death spiral.” That ominous description refers to a situation where a decrease in ridership leads to lower farebox revenue, which in turn leads to service cuts, which further reduces ridership, and so on in a vicious downward cycle.  read more »

Waging War on Modern Agriculture and Global Nutrition


The World Economic Forum says the world faces a new crisis, "One-third of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions come from food production." With the world's population expected to reach 10 billion people by 2050, it is there fore "urgent" that we launch a "radical" and "comprehensive" transformation of the global food system - from "reinventing" farming to "reimagining" how food is produced, processed, distributed, consumed and disposed of.  read more »


The Puzzle of Generational Politics


Age is a big deal. We saw just how big a deal it is from the deterioration of President Biden evident during the recent debate with Donald Trump. There’s a growing sense that the world is being run by a gerontocracy  read more »

Trump is Dividing America's Oligarchs


The shot heard around the world may have been aimed at Donald Trump’s head, but it could also put extra cash in his pocket. In the aftermath of last weekend’s assassination attempt, two prominent billionaires – Elon Musk and investor Bill Ackman – announced their support for the former president.  read more »

What If Chicago Had Been Awarded the 2016 Olympics? Part I


Five years ago, just prior to the announcement by the IOC of who would host the 2016 Olympics, Chicago's bid was assumed to be in a commanding lead.  read more »


Home Ownership by Type of Residential Building


The latest American Community Survey data (2022) indicates that higher density condo living is strongly correlated with lower rates of home ownership than among detached or attached houses. The table below provides US data as well as data for the 56 major metropolitan areas by residential building density.

National Home Ownership by Type of Residential Building: Overall, 65.2% of US households owned their own homes  read more »

Measuring Opportunity across America: A good idea but it’s all about the details


Where you grow up in America powerfully influences your prospects in life.  read more »