
The Lone Star State is Soaring: America's Future Will Be Made in Texas


The United States is a misnomer. Despite its title, our republic has rarely been united, instead hosting an endless gladiatorial contest between different states and regions.  read more »

The American University is Rotting From Within


The Western world has many enemies – China, Russia, Iran, North Korea – but none is more potentially lethal than its own education system.  read more »

The Aging States of America


The United States is experiencing rapid growth in its older population, a triumphant result of long-term investments in health and medicine.  read more »

Democrat Resistance to Mass Deportations Could Push the US to a Civil War


If something approaching civil war occurs in the US, as many Americans now believe, the most immediate cause may be President Trump’s move to deport huge numbers of people  read more »

China Runs the Table


On Monday, the Biden administration issued new restrictions on the export of key semiconductor equipment and software to China.  read more »


More on the Housing Crisis/Auto Industry Analogy


The strangest thing happened to me over the last few days. I stumbled on an analogy that I hadn’t considered as particularly relevant, but now discovering how relevant it really is.  read more »

Our Incredible Shrinking Planet


If the 20th century was an era obsessed with the fear of a global population explosion – a time when governments, experts, and journalists fretted that population growth powered by high birth rates would soon outstrip the planet’s finite resources – the 21st century promises to be the opposite  read more »

America's Working Class is Taking Back Control


For a generation, America’s working class, as well as much of its middle class, lost political power. Rather than build their appeal on class interests, politicians kowtowed to Wall Street, Big Tech elites, university ‘experts’ and identitarian interest groups.  read more »

Ramaphosa's Incompetent Statecraft


With the recent BRICS conference, President Ramaphosa referred to Vladimir Putin as "our valued ally."  read more »

Europe's Baby Bust


Most visitors to Stockholm and other Scandinavian cities and towns marvel not just at the cities themselves but at the residents and their lives as well.  read more »