
The Middle Class and Striver Divide


One of the important distinctions to understand in our society is between the middle class and the striver class.  read more »

The Climate has Changed on Climate Change


Like the Marxist dialectic, or the predictions of the Gospels, the green movement has long seen its triumph as preordained.  read more »



My, oh my, how the worm has turned.

Thirteen months ago, in the op-ed pages of the New York Times , University of Pennsylvania climate scientist Michael Mann and his lawyer, Peter J. Fontaine, were crowing about their victory in federal court a few days earlier.  read more »

Liberals Riding Anti-Americanism to Re-election Would Be Tragic


U.S. President Donald Trump’s imbecilic and unnecessary suggestion that Canada should become the 51st state has led  read more »


Britian is Committing "National Economic Suicide"


If you want to know what’s happening in a place, ask a cab driver.

On a Sunday afternoon, during a short ride to the British Museum, I asked our cabbie about his energy bills  read more »

The Revival of Black Town Centers


In honor of Black History Month, I annually write some piece that honors the significance and impact of the contributions of Black people on the American urban environment.  read more »

Let Them Eat Solar Panels (and Efficiency)


In 2013, the World Bank declared it would stop funding coal projects and would only “in rare circumstances” provide financial support for new coal plants.  read more »

Ohio's Gritty Fight to Reverse Decadence


Last week, at the AI Action Summit in Paris, Vice President J.D. Vance reaffirmed the Trump administration’s commitment to ensuring that advanced AI systems are developed domestically  read more »

More on Rust Belt to Sun Belt Migration


Three weeks ago I wrote a piece about the role that a “Rust Belt Diaspora,” or the people who relocated from Rust Belt to Sun Belt states over the last 50 years  read more »

The Return of American Class Politics


In his farewell address, mere days before leaving the White House, Joe Biden made a dramatic intervention. Warning about how an oligarchy of “extreme wealth, power and influence” risked the basic rights of every citizen, he even suggested it could threaten American democracy itself.  read more »
