- Economic, demographic, and political commentary about places

Texas High Speed Rail: The End or Not?


In 2012, the new Texas Central Railway announced that it would, in collaboration with the Central Railway of Japan build a high speed rail line from Dallas to Houston.  read more »

What Really Divides America


Reading the mainstream media, one would be forgiven for believing that the upcoming midterms are part of a Manichaean struggle for the soul of democracy, pitting righteous progressives against the authoritarian “ultra-MAGA” hordes. The truth is nothing of the sort. Even today, the vast majority of Americans are moderate and pragmatic, with fewer than 20% combined for those identifying as either “very conservative” or “very liberal”.  read more »

Population and Housing in 2021


The 2021 American Community Survey confirms that major population shifts took place due to the pandemic. But those shifts aren’t necessarily reflected by declines in housing prices  read more »

Marilyn and Elvis: Dead Labor in the Age of Streaming


When Marilyn Monroe was cast as a spunky cannery worker in Clash by Night (1952), she took “an all-night bus to Monterey to observe cannery workers and to practice being working class.” As biographer Lois Banner noted, she was even offered a job, cutting off the heads of sardines. But Marilyn was already familiar with factory work.  read more »

The "Tottering Chicago?" Series – Part 3


Here’s part 3 in the “Tottering Chicago?” series. Today I’m discussing the third question I raised after reading William Voegeli’s That Tottering Town, a review of the book What Next, Chicago?  read more »

America's Dependency on Imports May Be Stagnating its Economy


Shortages of the following may be leading to the new norm of shortages and inflation:  read more »

Census Data Show Transit's Devastation


More than three times as many people worked at home in 2021 as in 2019, according to data that was released yesterday by the Census Bureau.  read more »

U.S. Auto Commuting Dips to Half Century Low


The share of workers commuting to work by auto fell to 75.6%, according to the 2021 American Community Survey (ACS), the lowest level since before the 1970 census, which reported that 77.7% of commuting was by auto (Figure 1).  read more »

The Revenge of the Material Economy


America’s narrow escape last week from a major rail-worker strike brought home an important truth: people who make and ship real things – let’s call them material workers – now hold the whip hand over our supposedly ‘post-industrial’ economy.  read more »

The "Tottering Chicago?" Series - Part 2


Here’s part 2 in the “Tottering Chicago?” series. We’re moving on to the second question I raised after reading William Voegeli’s That Tottering Town  read more »
