- Economic, demographic, and political commentary about places

Big Beats Small, New Beats Old


I came across a couple of interesting pieces in the last week that had me thinking about the past, present and future of American cities again. After reading them, I felt somewhat upbeat and validated, but also concerned.  read more »

The Strange Death of the Family


Over a decade ago, I led a team of Singapore-based researchers to investigate why families were declining. Back then, we were experiencing a historic shift away from population growth and familial ties, towards individualism.  read more »

Tesla In Turmoil: The EV Meltdown In 10 Charts


In 2014, Tony Seba, an author and lecturer in “entrepreneurship, disruption, and clean energy” at Stanford University, declared, “By 2025, gasoline engine cars will be unable to compete with electric vehicles.”  read more »

Beyond the Two State Solution


The Two State Solution to end the Gaza/Israeli War is dead for a simple reason. There no longer is a “state” in Gaza. The tunnels have largely been destroyed with explosives. When the tunnels collapsed, the apartments, stores, schools, and hospitals above them were destroyed.  read more »


Planners Push Transit, But It's a Hard Sell in Western Cities


Over the six decades that transit subsidies have been virtually universal, governments and media have urged people to give up driving and switch to transit.  read more »

Mean Girls Rising


Once the putative party of the people, the Democrats are increasingly the party of political “Mean Girls.”  read more »


Empty or Illicit? NYC Shops for a Solution


New York City, like many urban areas, has suffered vacant storefronts in recent years. The causes are likely many  read more »

Agressive Canadian Progressivism is Descending the Country into Crazy


Like most Americans, I always tended to believe Canada was our more sensible, if less intense, neighbour. It was a country that respected liberal traditions  read more »


Engines of Opportunity


Colleges, universities, and academic medical centers play a vital role as engines of learning, innovation, prosperity, and opportunity in America’s cities. But they face growing tectonic stresses  read more »


Gavin Newsom's Futile Bid to Trump-Proof California


Never one to miss an opportunity for posturing, California Governor Gavin Newsom recently announced plans to “Trump-proof” the state if the former president wins later this year.  read more »