
Elite Arrogance is Fueling the Rise of the Global Right


In a way not seen since the days of Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher and Brian Mulroney, the right is on the march.  read more »

Americas Future Lies in the South


Every morning, just as the sun rises, Charleston Harbor hosts a scene of stirring patriotism. There, in the courtyard of Fort Sumter, tourists raise a huge American flag, helped along by a National Park Service ranger.  read more »


Latino Voters Are Abandoning Kamala Harris and the Democrats


Support for the Democrats among black voters shows signs of some erosion, but it’s Latinos – now the country’s largest racial minority – who may prove the critical decider  read more »

Canadians Moving to Smaller Cities and Rural Areas


For the last two centuries, one of the most important demographic trends has been the movement of people from rural areas to the cities.  read more »

The New Revolutionary Class


No power on earth is more fearsome than a highly educated class that faces a constrained, even dismal, future.  read more »

The Middling Kingdom


In July, on the 35th anniversary of World Population Day, the United Nations released a new report that reduced the world’s peak population prediction by 100 million  read more »

The Midwest Needs International Immigration


Does America even believe anymore in the saying on the Statue of Liberty’s plaque: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free?”  read more »

How to Prepare America for Demographic Decline


America is in the early days of a vast demographic transition. In the coming decades, the U.S. population will grow far more slowly than ever before  read more »

Moving Away from Density to Less Dense Detached Housing Areas


Further evidence of the continued dispersion of the US population is revealed by an examination of net domestic migration data  read more »

Religious Science


Suzie Bohlson sits in a sun-drenched California plaza, a pale, slight 53-year-old with a Ph.D. in biology from Notre Dame. Fifteen years ago, she converted to Catholicism, a surprising choice, perhaps, for a young woman from Los Angeles raised in a family of materialist scientists.  read more »
