
Our Incredible Shrinking Planet


If the 20th century was an era obsessed with the fear of a global population explosion – a time when governments, experts, and journalists fretted that population growth powered by high birth rates would soon outstrip the planet’s finite resources – the 21st century promises to be the opposite  read more »

America's Working Class is Taking Back Control


For a generation, America’s working class, as well as much of its middle class, lost political power. Rather than build their appeal on class interests, politicians kowtowed to Wall Street, Big Tech elites, university ‘experts’ and identitarian interest groups.  read more »

DEI is dead. The Establishment Media Just Doesn’t Want You to Know It


Even before November, the once trendy concepts of DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) and ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) were already sinking.  read more »

Lefse Diplomacy


With this holiday season following a hotly contest election, some Americans fear that political disagreements among family will boil over like a pot of poorly watched potatoes.

In North Dakota, where the plains meet the prairie and the spirit of the old country lives on, the secret to peace at the family table may be found in prioritizing lefse over politics.  read more »

Be Kind to Your Family Members


As is the case with most Thanksgiving dinners, families will discuss politics. Before and after Thanksgiving, we will see chatter about how insufferable and intolerant family members can be as they discuss the 2024 election.  read more »

How the Left Betrayed the Jews


For much of their political history, particularly since the Enlightenment, Jews have identified with the progressive Left.  read more »

How Texas Can Defy the Demographic Odds


In the center of the American Sun Belt lies the eighth-largest economy in the world, home to nearly one out of 10 Americans.  read more »

The Left’s War on Men is Backfiring Disastrously


Sex is supposed to be fun, and productive, but when mixed with politics it can have some less fortunate societal impacts.  read more »


Europe's Baby Bust


Most visitors to Stockholm and other Scandinavian cities and towns marvel not just at the cities themselves but at the residents and their lives as well.  read more »

Europe’s Knowledge Geography is Shifting Towards Low Taxes and Competitive Energy


Currently, major changes are happening in the knowledge geography in Europe. The study The geography of Europe’s brain business jobs measures the share of the working-age population across Europe employed in highly knowledge-intensive enterprises.  read more »