
'Affordability' Near Hamptons...Or Maybe Not

Long Island’s town of Southampton covers 295 square miles including a varied range of communities, some quite different from the village of Southampton that is familiar to seasonal visitors.  read more »

Across America's Cities, Voters Are Driving Out Progressives

Is sanity finally returning to America’s blue cities? The places that incubated inept policies such as “defund the police” and “sanctuary cities”, but welcomed open-air drug use, are beginning to have second thoughts.  read more »

Feudal Future Podcast: Underlying Political & Economic Issues in the Middle East

Our latest episode featuring Walter Russell Mead, foreign affairs expert, is an eye-opener that transcends typical narratives  read more »

Feudal Future Podcast: Navigating Cancel Culture

Immerse yourself in a profound conversation with Sam Abrams and Danielle Struppa as we set sail into the stormy seas of cancel culture on American campuses.  read more »

Conference: Anti-Semitism, Geopolitics, and the University

The Telos-Paul Piccone Institute, in cooperation with the journal Telos, announces a series of events and publications designed to explore the place of critical theory  read more »

Warehousing hits a red line near Hamptons

Riverhead town in eastern Long Island is the last major growth center in this gilded region. But a significant, subsidized project to redevelop a former aerospace property was rejected  read more »

Feudal Future Podcast: Shattering the Green Energy Illusion

Ready to uncover the startling contradictions in the green energy movement?  read more »

No Parking Downtown Austin Apartment Building Foreclosure due to Insufficient Demand

According to Urbanize Austin:

“An apartment complex marketed to middle-income downtown workers, especially those interested in reducing or eliminating their personal vehicle use  read more »

How you can help Israel during this horrific time

Pure evil has been unleashed against the people of Israel. So many were brutally murdered, including babies who were beheaded in their cribs in one kibbutz!  read more »