
Feudal Future Podcast — Populism Unpacked: Voices from the Heartland

Dive into the compelling world of populism in our latest podcast episode  read more »

Housing Boom? Not in the Land of Lincoln

You’d think housing prices are rising everywhere in America, the way the current boom is discussed. And that’s nearly true, for lots of reasons  read more »

Heartland of Opportunity Report

Heartland Forward's newest report is all about "opportunity occupations," jobs that offer middle-class wages but do not require a four-year degree.  read more »

Regulation of Electric Power in Texas

Politicians, pundits, and the public at large have voiced deep concern that electricity was tragically unavailable to many Texans during the recent period of extreme cold. Claims that lax ERCOT planning caused the problem are exaggerated.  read more »

Another Hit for Lousiville's Boondoggle Bridges

For years I’ve been writing about how the project to build two new bridge across the Ohio River at Louisville, Kentucky was an enormous boondoggle.  read more »

Super Bowl Sunday is Flyover Affair — Down to the Ads

This year, the Big Game is about Flyover Country more than ever. Two of our teams are battling it out.  read more »

Young Firms and Regional Economic Growth

Young Firms and Regional Economic Growth demonstrates how knowledge-intensive and Main Street entrepreneurs are critical to long-term economic success. Metropolitans and micropolitans that started with stronger entrepreneurial ecosystems  read more »

Michagan's Health and Economic Situations Are Dire

New weekly unemployment insurance claims continue to moderate, but remain at levels unseen before the COVID-19 outbreak. In addition, new claims filed since March 1st are now above 20 percent of pre-outbreak employment in some states.  read more »

Announcing Heartland Forward — An Institute for Economic Renewal

Heartland Forward is a first-of-its-kind "think and do" tank committed to advancing economic performance in the center of the United States.  read more »

The New American Heartland

How can Middle America tap into its potential to drive the nation’s economy?

At "The New American Heartland" forum, hosted by the City Club of Cleveland, J.D. Vance, author of Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis, discussed the economic and cultural challenges facing Middle America.  read more »
