Summer 2012!



My degree and background is health, fitness and exercise. However, my passion is creating new ways for affordable SRO (single room occupancy) units in our urban downtowns. I'm witnessing closures of our YMCA & YWCA residences; once a great idea for individuals needing a small room downtown while gaining employment, providing low-cost space without the need for a car. Instead, I'm seeing $5-$8 million condos going up so fast and so high that I'm astonished - we really will have people dying in the streets someday. You can not have urban planning regarding affordable housing for single adults if it's built 30 minutes outside of downtown - they'll either need a car, or will have to figure out something else, since many cities do not have transit that goes that far.
Good urban planning understands that people starting out need those downtown developments so they can walk to work, stores and community services. The affluent have the resources to make other choices regarding transportation, work location, etc.


Born in Toronto, Ontario. Raised in Duluth, Minnesota; graduated from Duluth Central High School. Have lived in downtown Toronto, Ontario and Vancouver, British Columbia.

Fort Frances, Ontario, Canada

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Core City Growth Mainly Below Poverty Line Wendell Cox212 years 35 weeks ago