Doug's Profile

Doug Mitchell

Doug Mitchell's picture
Doug Mitchell

I'm a late 30's entrepreneur who abandoned the time vacuum of Southern CA in 2005 by moving to the amazing Des Moines, IA metro area to reclaim my time and my family from my commute. I launched an Interactive Marketing company ( that helps companies become findable and engaging online through clear web strategy and compelling multimedia. Each Wednesday my partner and I deliver a mastermind mentoring group ( where we affordably and virtually teach businesses around the world to become better online marketers for an hour each week.

Anyone who believes that Iowa winters are too harsh and that the people are just corn growing hay seeds is welcome to wave as they fly by on their way to Chicago. But if you do come by, you'll find that Des Moines has limitless activities that families desire with no hassles to go along with them.


Teaching, Interactive Marketing, Golf, Wine, Achieving the perfect steak, video, multimedia, growing businesses, start-ups, venture capital, learning

Clive, IA

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I Heart Des Moines Doug Mitchell1310 years 38 weeks ago