- Economic, demographic, and political commentary about places

Christmas/Chanukah Message to Our Readers


We have been publishing for 15 years, and we are thankful for your readership now and in the future.  read more »


The Scared Professors


In 1958, sociologists Paul Lazarsfeld and Wagner Thielens Jr. conducted several studies with academics across the country  read more »


Elon Musk and the Rise of the Alt-Oligarchy


The US is increasingly a country ruled by oligarchs who pour cascading levels of funds into the competing parties. In 2024, election spending was two-to-three times what it was two decades ago in real terms.  read more »


New Report: Is California Losing its Mojo?


In popular myth, California has been America’s land of opportunity since its founding. In 1849, California built its reputation around its rich vein of gold in Sierra Nevada.  read more »

The Lone Star State is Soaring: America's Future Will Be Made in Texas


The United States is a misnomer. Despite its title, our republic has rarely been united, instead hosting an endless gladiatorial contest between different states and regions.  read more »

King Coal Powers On


The International Energy Agency has been consistent — and consistently wrong — about global coal demand.

In 2015, the Paris-based agency declared, "The golden age of coal in China seems to be over." That year, it predicted global coal demand would fall to 5.5 billion tons by 2020.  read more »


The Expansion of the "Citadel of Affluence"


I’ll state this right from the outset. This is not a take-down. I’m expressing a point of view that differs from conventional urbanism wisdom.  read more »

Transit Carries 77% of Pre-Covid Riders in October


The nation’s public transit systems carried 77.3 percent as many riders in October 2024 as in the same month of 2019  read more »

The American University is Rotting From Within


The Western world has many enemies – China, Russia, Iran, North Korea – but none is more potentially lethal than its own education system.  read more »

The Aging States of America


The United States is experiencing rapid growth in its older population, a triumphant result of long-term investments in health and medicine.  read more »