- Economic, demographic, and political commentary about places

Where Are The Pro-Nuclear Democrats?


About 15 years ago, I visited a high-ranking official at the Department of Energy at his office in Washington. We chatted for 30 minutes about the obstacles facing nuclear energy deployment in the US  read more »


How Will We Survive the Sex War?


Throughout history, the happy convergence of men and women — and their by-product, children — has driven human civilisation. No less than Freud saw this need for family as intrinsic  read more »


Who Is Directing the War on Agriculture and Nutrition?


Elite billionaire organizations and foundations, government agencies, and activist pressure groups are funding and coordinating a global war on modern agriculture, nutrition, and  read more »


Kamala Harris: Creature of the Oligarchy


Kamala Harris and her new sidekick, Minnesota governor Tim Walz, have opened their vibes-based campaign with a faux-populist platform.  read more »


Affinity Group Migration and the Quest for Community


It’s no secret that loneliness is a problem for many people, and that many are aching to find real friendship and community.  read more »


The Californication of the Democratic Party


Over the past few weeks, however, lunchbucket Joe from Scranton has been unceremoniously dumped by the Golden State elite — Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, George Clooney and a passel of tech oligarchs — to be replaced with one of their own, Vice President Kamala Harris. But given the chances of a GOP win this year, the Californians have another favorite in the wings, Governor Gavin Newsom, for 2028.  read more »

Five Reasons to Be Bullish on the United States


Several years ago, when the sex scandals were rocking the Catholic Church, I talked to a local parish priest about the decline in the church’s credibility. He listened patiently. He didn’t argue about the scandal or the church’s other problems. Instead, he said, “Remember, the church is not Rome.”  read more »

Boomers Have Left the Economy in Tatters, Driving Youth to the Right


Like counterparts around the world, Canada’s youth are struggling, victims of a weak economy and a rising cost of living crisis. Whereas boomers rode an unprecedented wave of prosperity and higher living standards, younger Canadians, particularly those under 30, are now more pessimistic about the future than older generations.  read more »


A Concerning AI Experience


Artificial intelligence (AI) has significant potential and I have been pleased to use it frequently, over the past year or so since it first became generally available.  read more »


What Happened to My Party?


I grew up among people who worshipped the key pillars of the twentieth century Democratic Party: the New Deal, Franklin Roosevelt, and the great public works project known as New York City. The Democrats then were the party of progress—of new roads, bridges, ports, factories, and laboratories.  read more »
