Washington DC

Rescuing Ireland Won't Save Biden


President Biden may have received a rapturous welcome in Ireland, but Democratic strategists in Washington will have taken little notice.  read more »

The New Great Game


The Western response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine is widely seen as a sign of a reinvigorated alliance of democracies against authoritarianism.  read more »

A Nation of Giants Led By Pygmies


The United States today stands as a living contradiction to the ‘great man theory of history’. For the US is a great country led by small minds.  read more »

North America Has An Opportunity to Lead the World


For generations, pundits the world over have insisted that the future will be forged elsewhere — Europe for some, Japan for others and, more recently, China. Yet, in reality, the United States and Canada may well be best positioned for a changing world, if our leaders can leverage our natural advantages.  read more »

Washington DC’s Energy Colonialism


Washington, DC Mayor Muriel Bowser thinks people worldwide have a “human right” to come to the United States, legally or illegally. Our nation’s capital proudly proclaimed itself a “sanctuary city” in 2016.  read more »

Gavin Newsom's Presidential Prospects


Conservatives often see prospective presidential contender Gavin Newsom as a tool of the far Left—and, as such, politically doomed by the seemingly endless crises afflicting California.  read more »

The Biggest Threat to the CHIPS Act? The Green Left


The recent passage of the CHIPS act, a $280 billion dollar subsidy, may prove a giant boondoggle. But it also reflects a critical shift in US economic policy away from neoliberal free trade policies to a more nationalistic industrial policy.  read more »

Banning Modern Agriculture and High Crop Yields?


In just seven decades, America’s conventional (non-organic) farmers increased per-acre corn yields by an incredible 500% – while using steadily less water, fuel, fertilizer and pesticides – feeding millions more people.  read more »

Gavin Newsom Won’t Save the Democrats


Burdened with a decomposing President and a clearly overmatched Vice President, the Democrats are on the hunt for a saviour. For many in the party, Gavin Newsom, the 54-year-old perfectly coiffed Governor of California, seems like the perfect solution.  read more »

Economists Don't See Flyover Country and Whole Economy Pays the Price


We’re used to getting the short end of the stick out here in Flyover Country, whether it’s from a lack of regular news-media attention or from our vastly inequitable share of investments by venture capitalists.  read more »