
10 Can't-Miss Election Predictions


I have been interested in presidential politics and campaigns all my life. I cannot remember an uglier contest  read more »


How Wokeness Could Cost the Democrats the Election


This time around, Hillary Clinton is not lamenting Republican ‘deplorables’. She has chosen instead, along with Kamala Harris, to label Donald Trump and his supporters as out-and-out fascists. Different words but the same meaning: anyone who backs the GOP candidate in next week’s US presidential election is an enabler for modern-day blackshirts or stormtroopers.  read more »


Latino Voters Are Abandoning Kamala Harris and the Democrats


Support for the Democrats among black voters shows signs of some erosion, but it’s Latinos – now the country’s largest racial minority – who may prove the critical decider  read more »

How Harris Obstructed California Home Construction


Kamala Harris has a plan to help America’s struggling home buyers by increasing the supply of houses. Her recently released 82-page policy book, “A New Way Forward for the Middle Class,” calls for clearing away the “regulatory burden” and “red tape” that constrains new-home construction.  read more »

Can the West Survive Four Years of Harris or Trump?


Great empires always fall, pushed by their own leaders. Just think of the role played in Britain’s decline by the Liberals who blundered into the First World War, permanently crippling the world’s dominant empire.  read more »


Elon Musk and Woke Capital are in a Battle for the Future of America


In 16th century Japan, the Daimyo feudal lords, like their Medieval European counterparts, battled to secure control of the realm.  read more »

Kamala Harris is Hiding the Truth about Her Real Plan for America


In baseball as well as in American football, there’s something called the “hidden ball” trick, where a player hides the round object in order to befuddle the opposition. American politics is experiencing something similar, with politicians, particularly on the progressive side, hiding often unpopular views before the poor voters cast their ballots.  read more »


The West Has Turned its Back on Jews


In the wake of last year’s 7 October pogrom, and amid rapidly rising anti-Semitism, most Jews are even more convinced of the importance of the Jewish State and the need for greater solidarity.  read more »

Kamalafornia Über Alles


For the last century, no state more epitomized the ideals of upward mobility and technological and cultural innovation than California.  read more »

Don't Buy Kamala Harris's Blue Collar Rhetoric


It appears to be a rule of modern politics that politicians must pander to voters. The latest example of this  read more »
