
The Coming War of Civilizations


Media coverage of world events focuses on one crisis at a time, as if each was a separate phenomenon. But Ukraine, the Israel-Hamas war, the assaults on shipping in the Red Sea, China’s threats on Tawain, the closing of the Red Sea  read more »

RFK Jr.’s Popularity Shows that Americans Aren’t Despairing (yet)


Amid the muck created by America’s two inadequate presidential frontrunners, green shoots are rising. They may not grow to maturity this year, but the basis for the emergence of better political choices already exists and is showing surprising life.  read more »


The California Whimper


As the glint of the Golden State - rub worn by misdirection, doubt, and fear - fades just another little bit each day  read more »

How to Shrink a Fortune


For generations, millions have come to California to make their fortunes, relying on the state’s own seemingly limitless fortune of natural resources, favorable climate, and economic opportunity.  read more »

Why the Right is Eating the Left's Lunch


The Western world is experiencing the most dramatic political realignment since the rise of socialism over a century ago. The driving force then was the rise of the working class, created by the Industrial Revolution.  read more »

Federal Judge Sides With Osage Nation, Orders Removal Of 84 Wind Turbines


The Osage Nation won a massive ruling in Tulsa federal court on Wednesday that requires Enel to dismantle a 150-megawatt wind project it built in Osage County despite the tribe’s repeated objections.  read more »

America is Unprepared to Fight a War on Three Fronts


In our short-attention-span world, we seem to only be able to comprehend one war at a time. But our moment has thrown up conflicts across the globe  read more »

The Road to Autocracy


Ernst Nolte’s Three Faces of Fascism examined the three devastating ideologies that led to the undermining of European democracy in the 1930s. Today, democratic life is also under threat – and there are also three basic forms that this authoritarian threat takes.  read more »

Michigan Dems Big Foot the Locals


When it comes to zoning and property rights in rural America, Big Wind and Big Solar can count on Democratic legislators to carry their water.  read more »

Property: The Myth That Built the World


Joel Kotkin reviews the recently released book, Property: The Myth That Built the World, by Rowan Moore. The review is excerpted below:  read more »