The Middling Kingdom


In July, on the 35th anniversary of World Population Day, the United Nations released a new report that reduced the world’s peak population prediction by 100 million  read more »

How Harris Obstructed California Home Construction


Kamala Harris has a plan to help America’s struggling home buyers by increasing the supply of houses. Her recently released 82-page policy book, “A New Way Forward for the Middle Class,” calls for clearing away the “regulatory burden” and “red tape” that constrains new-home construction.  read more »

What's Great About Midwestern Cities


Anyone who follow me here knows I write quite a bit about Midwestern cities. They’re what I know best and love most.  read more »

The West Faces a New Type of Housing Crisis


Throughout the West, particularly the Anglosphere, housing costs are ravaging the middle class. Homeownership, long the key to social mobility, is on the decline  read more »

The Midwest Needs International Immigration


Does America even believe anymore in the saying on the Statue of Liberty’s plaque: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free?”  read more »

Can the West Survive Four Years of Harris or Trump?


Great empires always fall, pushed by their own leaders. Just think of the role played in Britain’s decline by the Liberals who blundered into the First World War, permanently crippling the world’s dominant empire.  read more »


Looming ‘Clean’ Energy Disasters Off Our Coasts


Photos of oil-covered seals and birds from California’s 1969 Santa Barbara blowout helped launch the environmental  read more »


How the City of Angels Went to Hell


A journey through Los Angeles, the adopted home of Vice President Kamala Harris, offers a masterclass in urban dysfunction.  read more »

How to Prepare America for Demographic Decline


America is in the early days of a vast demographic transition. In the coming decades, the U.S. population will grow far more slowly than ever before  read more »

Elon Musk and Woke Capital are in a Battle for the Future of America


In 16th century Japan, the Daimyo feudal lords, like their Medieval European counterparts, battled to secure control of the realm.  read more »